Soft Sculpture, Handbags, Carrier Bags, Material, Cotton, Varying sizes
The layered works of StealthWealth are the authentic shopping bags of fashion boutiques, which Goodman has upholstered, using and morphing the materials of the fake designer handbags of the same label. These grotesque hybrids are a study of the in transience of brand loyalty, in a recessionary context in which certain high-end outlets have actually stopped marking their carrier bags as a response to their customers reluctance to be seen consuming.
Soft Sculpture, Handbags, Carrier Bags, Material, Cotton, Varying sizes
The layered works of StealthWealth are the authentic shopping bags of fashion boutiques, which Goodman has upholstered, using and morphing the materials of the fake designer handbags of the same label. These grotesque hybrids are a study of the in transience of brand loyalty, in a recessionary context in which certain high-end outlets have actually stopped marking their carrier bags as a response to their customers reluctance to be seen consuming.
Bovega Tinetta, 2009
Bovega Tinetta, 2009
Chantal, 2009
Chantal, 2009
Chimmie Choo, 2009
Chimmie Choo, 2009
Lewis Vittone, 2009
Lewis Vittone, 2009
Vivace, 2009
Vivace, 2009
Photographs by: Chris Saunders